

Specialised Brokerage Services in Direct Secondary Investments

We specialise in providing expert brokerage services tailored to the acquisition and divestment of direct secondary investments. In a dynamic investment landscape where the average time to liquidity has significantly increased from three years in 2000 to eight years in 2020, our focus is on addressing the evolving needs of the secondary market investor.

Our clients encompass a diverse range of stakeholders. For founders of firms and early shareholders, we offer sell-side execution services to exit individual positions in a company, facilitating the monetisation of their holdings and the reduction of wealth concentration risk.
General Partners of funds benefit from our support when liquidity is required to de-risk their portfolios or provide additional capital to support remaining companies.

Limited Partners and Institutional investors also turn to us to exit direct investments, monetising strongly performing assets while minimising disruptions to ongoing operations. Moreover, we actively collaborate with clients seeking to purchase shares on the secondary market, enabling them to make strategic investments in specific companies of interest for their portfolio.

Our expertise in direct secondary investments allows us to navigate the complex terrain of private markets and provide tailored solutions for our clients’ unique needs.